martes, 19 de junio de 2018

End of school year songs - 3º

Hi boys and girls, here are the end of school year songs I promised you earlier today. I am so sorry for the delay! Have a look at them if you have a chance, if not don't worry, we will keep practising tomorrow...

martes, 12 de junio de 2018

Para los alumnos más musicales de 6º

Aquí tenéis una web donde podéis practicar rellenando palabras de canciones según las escucháis y al mismo tiempo que veis el vídeo. Están TODAS las canciones que más os gustan ✌

Sé de más de un@ que va a pasar muuuucho tiempo aquí ⬇️

No hace falta que os registréis, cuando os pregunten respondéis "Quizás más tarde".

Inglés 6º - Life is wonderful

This song is super close to your level and it has a plus, it talks about wonderful things.
Follow the lyrics and give it a try!

Inglés 6º - Sentence construction games!

Hi guys! 
Here is a link to a compilation of sentence construction games you can practice at home! You may have to update Flashplayer in order for them to work correctly.

There are many categories you can choose from: time expressions, comparatives & superlatives, irregular past...

I hope you enjoy them! 😏

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018

Inglés 6º - Juegos Vocabulario y Gramática

Dear 6th-grade students, please feel free to explore the blog during the weekend as a way of reviewing previous years' contents and have your mind ready for Monday!

Here you have a link which contains lots of grammar and vocabulary games, choose whatever you feel like practicing more and enjoy! :)

jueves, 26 de abril de 2018


This is a wonderful song to practice place prepositions in English!
Have a wonderful afternoon!

martes, 24 de abril de 2018

Oral English summary!

Dear students, whenever you have 40 minutes of your time, please watch this video, it is an excellent summary of amost all the grammar and vocabulary we are learning along the school year. 
I hope you enjoy it! :)